Donate to NMO France

For the past several years, NMO France has gradually succeeded in building a tight-knit community around neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) and related diseases.

Today, it is more essential than ever to use all available resources to take action and increase our communication activities in order to raise awareness about these rare diseases that affect us directly or indirectly. It is for this reason that all help is so precious.

The commitments of the NMO France are:

  • To raise awareness of these diseases
  • To talk about the devastating impact of these diseases
  • To help reduce the diagnostic odyssey experienced by patients
  • To provide the patient community and their families with the best possible information
  • To contribute to research, treatment and care initiatives

The strength of such a project comes from the organizations’s members and volunteers, as well as from the people who support us financially, regardless of their level of involvement. That is why NMO France needs your help now more than ever!

Make a donation

How will your donations help?

Your donations will enable NMO France to carry out its missions. They will therefore contribute directly to financing:

  • Various communication tools (paper, digital)
  • The organization of dedicated events
  • Our participation in various events (meetings with experts, meetings with patients and participation in congresses, forums, etc.)

Make a donation on Hello Asso

Your donation may be eligible for a tax deduction (depending on the tax laws of your jurisdiction, if outside of France).
Before validating your payment, you will be asked to make a contribution to the operations of Hello Asso. This contribution is optional, and you can choose to modify it.